Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Hey Little World...which they did not play

So last night I checked out the Swedish Rock band who go by the name of The Hives.
They played at the Metropolis here in Montreal. Their original show was booked at Club Soda which has a capacity of around 800 or so I'd say and that show sold out extremely quick so the show was moved to the Metropolis which has a capacity of around 2200. This show was also sold out. Good for them.
I had only seen The Hives once before years ago in San Francisco with The (International) Noise Conspiracy and I definitely enjoyed them. I will say though that I still feel/ and think that the (I)NC are a better band and have a better live show. Personal opinion of course.
The Hives were definitely super tight last night and the kiddies were feeling it big time. Their stage set up was extremely basic as any rock bands set up should be. Their production was pretty much nothing as well. Behind them they had their red neon lighted sign that says The Hives and that was really it. No crazy back drops and no crazy lights as well. Just a straight up rock show.

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