Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Nov 22, Washington DC

Arrived in DC last night after a couple hour bus ride from RVA. I came up because scooter was at the 930 club last night with the tour he is on. About 3 weeks ago the tour had a tragic event where a live was lost in a car accident so I just wanted to say hi to my friend and make sure he is okay. He was fine and pretty busy so I didn’t get to hang out with him much at all. Seeing him was all that mattered though so I was happy. I got to hang out with an old friend and we just chilled out at a bar and got a couple drinks while we caught up.

Today I woke up and had planned on making a day of cruising around here in DC. I have been here plenty of times in the past but always for shows and when this happens you usually just see the insides of venues. So walking around was on the agenda. The weather ended up clearing up just in time for me to walk out of the house and start my cruising. Hopped on the metro, went into the city to meet up with my friend for lunch and then we ended up walking around all afternoon and headed to a museum.
We went to the National Museum of the American Indian. The building is absolutely amazing. Its hard to explain but the architecture of the place is pretty neat to look at. However the insides of the place doesn’t really match the outsides of the place. It was interesting but in all honesty I don’t think it was a good museum at all. It’s a very “interactive” museum which I think I have some issues with. I think something as such should be more hands on. This culture is the indigenious culture of this country and other parts of the world. I think there should have been more to offer. More info and even diving into the topic of “how the natives for the last 400 years have been completely brutalized and destroyed” by the white man. The museum didn’t really touch that issue at all and I think another thing that the museum could have touched on was the land. Indigenous people survived off the land used it for what was needed. These days the land isn’t a common thought in our culture. Left and right in our daily lives the land is being destroyed. The indigenious peoples/ culture has so much to offer to the western culture when it comes to the land which at the moment disappearing very very quick. Once this is gone we are all gone whether we are indigenious or western.
I am not sure if this all makes sense but I my main thought is the museum in some way keeps the indigenious culture suppressed. Maybe I am wrong.

I am now back at phytes house waiting for him to get off work and waiting for Robert(our new tour manager) to come back from the airport with the Swedes. We have plans for dinner tonight and then I am sure they will take it easy due to the all day travels.

Nov 24th, Chapel Hill/ Carrboro, NC- MEAT IS MURDER!!

Sittting here at the cats cradle just waiting for the evening festivities to begin. This area seems to be pretty cool and I have actually been here a couple times before but that was when everything was open. Today nothing is open. Nothing. It’s the day known here in the US as thanksgiving so everyone is hopefully at home eating a tofurkey but most likely most our eating a once living bird. Booo!

We played Baltimore last night which was not what I expected. I didn’t have much fun last night at all. First shows of tours are usually referred to as “first day blues” due to just getting things organized etc etc. That aspect of it wasn’t bad at all but just in general the show didn’t have a good “show energy” and it seemed to bum me out. Kids didn’t seem to stoked or very enthusiastic which in turn will have an effect on all of us. INC/ myself. I don’t know what it was so I cant really say.
I went to a show the other day in DC before this tour started and the show was sold out. The bands playing are all over the radio/ tv these days and just like 95% of all the other bands they all sound alike. Being there was kind of a bummer because the show is sold out, you have all these kids just going crazy and singing along to very mundane/ lack of substance music. Not fun. I guess I could just keep repeating myself in my typical fashiong of talking negatively about the current state of music but seeing how its kinda my life it does have a slight effect on me. Yes I do like some bands that I feel do contribute to the downfall of the music scene but at least I know it. There are so many out there who loose their minds for these bands. Aahh!!! Ill stop.

OH YEAH!!! this is something that I totally forgot about. Yesterday before heading to the venue we all went to whole foods to get a quick lunch. I was sitting there eating my food and see some dude in line with a jacket that had a “NHLPA” logo. I thought “ could it be…..NHL… players association…. Its gotta be”. So I asked the dude “are you a hockey player” he said “yes”. I asked “what team do you play for” and he says “the capitals”. HOLY CRAP!!! NO WAY!! The night before I was actually at phytes house trying to find the caps game on tv because they were in pittsburgh playing. So I asked him “did you all win?” and he said “no”. Oh well. I was so so stoked and wished him luck next game. I forgot to ask the dude his name and tried to check the caps website yesterday but due to the connection speed I gave up. It made my day. I was surprised he was already home due to them playing the night before in Pittsburgh.

The show here tonight in NC is over and we are all packed up and now just chilling for the evening. Bus call isn’t until 4 am so we wont be leaving for awhile. Theres nothing open so no point to really going out plus the temp. is a little to cold.
Tonights show was a lot better then last nights. All the way around. The live show, the vibe of the crowd and the reaction of the crowd. Being a holiday it turned out to be an okay show.
I talked to some grrl tonight who was stoked on one of the books we have which is on Hugo Chavez(current Venezuelan president- a socialist!!). This grrl is taking international studies and her term paper she is writing is on Chavez. I truly don’t know much about Chavez but I know he is a very social oriented leader and is pretty much bringing back the whole social oriented culture that once existed in Latin America. The day before I left on this trip I was watching CNN and a story of that day was how the CITGO corp.(venezula oil company) was donating 8 million barrels of heating oil at a 40% discount to low income families in the upper north east of the US. This all happened this week and the news report/ media were kinda making a big deal about it saying “chavez is taking another shot at bush etc etc”. Funny how a foreign leader is helping people in this country and not our actual leaders. GO CHAVEZ!!. I asked this grrl about some more info on chavez. I guess he has also been selling oil to cuba at 1/3 of the price due to the embargos etc etc. Then all the money that is made from this oil is going into the social structure of venezula. Schools. Hospitals. She also mentioned that Venezuela has a current “seed collecting bank” so they can stop relying on imported produce etc etc and be more self sufficient. So all in all I need to do some more research on Chavez because he seems like a very good figure for the 21st century.

Nov 27, driving towards Orlando from Tampa.

My back is not a happy back this morning. Woke up this morning with a pretty bad pain in the upper part of thee ole spine. Typical for myself.

We played in Tampa last night which I thought was the best show of the tour so far. The place had a “packed” feel which was needed. All the shows so far have been a about a couple hundred people which I think is starting to bum the dudes out. Last time they came through these parts from what I hear the shows were insane but that was about 3-4 years ago. I do think since then that due to the band taking a 2 year hiatus and not touring through these parts since then that maybe some people have forgotten about them a little. It’s a bummer. I get freaked because I don’t want these dudes to be bummed at all. They rule hard when it comes to a live show and their music backs it up as well. So its not them. I think its part of the bigger picture. Lack of promotion and push from the label and others who back them. That’s all it is and its unfortunate because I personally feel that there are some who are not doing their job at all and in the long run it ends up hurting my friends and bumming them out.
After our show last night which ended early due to a curfew here in tampa Dennis, Inge, Johannes and myself went to see Walk the Line at midnight. A good flick. Very well done, the acting, and singing in it is actually very good.
So I haven’t really talked about the bands we are on tour with. A band named Nightmare of You who are okay. Inge summed it up very well a coulpe days ago. I asked him “what do you think of them?” and he answered “ they like the smiths and the cure a lot”. That pretty much sums it up. The drummer is Sammy who is a hardcord legend. Gorilla Biscuits, Judge, Youth of Today, Rival Schools, and I know there are a lot more but at the moment I am drawing a blank. Its cool to watch him drum because hes definitely GOOD.
Then we have a Canadian band named Danko Jones on the tour for the first week or so. They are actually okay as well. Very very rock oritiented with some cockiness added. Nice dudes as well.
So at least on this tour the music is bearable and the members are all nice people unlike our last tour with the ass wipes the bravery.

Nov 28th, Tallahassee, FL

We are playing a late show tonight due to the venue having booked an early show. Fine with me because I thn get to chill out all evening and do nothing until the other show empities. We arrived at the venue early so we could load in, and soundcheck before the earlier show bands showed up and then we have pretty much been chilling. Next to the venue we are playing there is a 24 hours coffee shop were we have been hanging out most of the day. I am sure the wireless internet has something to do with this.
My back is still sore but I have made it a point to start writing about something different these days. I feel like when I do these little entry tyye things it’s the same ole same ole so its time to change it up.

Our show last night was at a venue that I have been to a couple times in the past. The social is the name and its pretty much the “spot” to play in Orlando. Again there wasn’t the biggest turn out which is a slight bummer but to be honest I guess there isn’t anything you can do. My past times in Orlando have usually consisted of some good times after the shows hanging out next door at a place named the BBQ bar. This time there were no after show activities which is fine. I felt like I needed to rest this fine example of a “stud” body and went into the bus a crashed out. However before that I did managed to hit up the vegan hot dog cart which I hit up everytime we play at the social. I bought myself 3 of these wonderfully tasting dogs juiced up with some mushrooms, spinach, kraut, hot sauce, cheese (vegan of course). So so good. Dennis and I had 1 at first and about 2 mins after we ahd taken our last bite we decided to head back for more. At the time it was a good decision but upon waking up this morning with a very empty stomach it may not have been the best decision. Its not good to eat before you go to sleep for this reason.
Last night kids were stoked on the books as well. All the Derrick Jensen books I brought out were sold, I sold a “Chomsky on anarchism” book last night as well and a Ward Churchill book. Wow. The leftist spirit was alive and pumping last night. Rad. I think ill probably have to re-order books soon due to them selling at least 3 a night.

Tomorrow we have the day off before starting our drive towards the west coast. Cant wait. The sun, the food, and the people. One of the better parts of the country to tour. YEAH!

Tonights show seems like it could be good but then again it also could be pretty bad. This coffee shop were we are seems like a cool place and the flyers around the place makes it seem like this place has a cool little “alternative” culture here which are the people that usually like the band but then again…… one of the girls who works here mentioned that kids may not come out with a $10 ticket. I understand because I know in RVA if there was a $10 most of the peeps I know would probably not go. Myself included. I would say from my end though that there are even a lot of cheaper shows I don’t go to. Seeing shows every night kinda makes you want to just relax and give your ears a little break when at home and then I will say that there are bands which really don’t do much for me. Im sure that attitude is everywhere though so if people don’t show tonight then they don’t. What can you do.

We got a ride to a health food store about 1 1/2 hours ago so dennis, Robert and myself stoked up and bought some food for some others. I had a good miso tofu sandwich which was good and have a salad, muffin, and cake waiting for me later. YEAH!

I had a good conversation with my today about moving. I think the time may be coming soon where I may have to make another move. No real reason. I just think that there are always certain points that come in peoples lives where they need to make a move. Most don’t. This may be a bad thing or good thing. I also could just be having random thoughts that don’t mean much. I like RVA but I think for the most part I cant picture myself doing much more. Yes I don’t do anything to begin with but I feel like I have a good view of things there and in all honesty there is not much going on. Again I am sure I can totally be called out on this one which is fine. It is just random thoughts that come and go and I have no plan anytime soon of leaving but im just think about the ole future.
Oh. By the way Greg Macpherson rules. If you don’t have any of his albums please go check em out.
I forgot to mention that I almost got to see tegan and sara the other night in tampa. They played the same night we did and I have talked to their manager in the past so I dropped him a line about the show. I was totally pschyed about going but upon receiveing a reply it happens they were on stage the same time as us. Bum deal. How cool would that have been? Another great band.

Nov 29th, Mobile, Alabama

Day off today. Sitting here in my hotel room about to head to the bus to watch a dvd I just bought and then wait until hockey starts.

Last nights show seriously took me back about 7 years ago. BIG TIME. Like ive said a zillion times INC has one of the best live shows ever. Okay point taken but last night was something else.
You see the first time I ever saw these dudes was in santa cruz vets hall in the basement with about 100 people going crazy. The band was even crazier and their set was filled with just chaos. Ill never forget that show and the vibe of that show.
Last night I was in the bathroom and Ludwig was oiling up his back with some kind of a heating oil. There were seriously only about 50 people in the place so I was telling him about the first time I saw them in SC and how the crowd wasn’t huge but the show was insane. I then said “this night could be the same”
HOLY COW! Every single person there (all 50 of em) went completely ape shit and then that was transferred to the band as well. What I saw last night was such an incredible thing and made me proud of this “alternative” culture that I am part of. Okay this sounds a little cheesy. Ill cheese it up some more then. It stoked me out on punk rock.
What ruled as well is I know lately the moods have been a little down due to the turn outs etc etc but this show totally stoked everyone I feel. Out of the 100-150 or so shows I have seen with these dudes this was a special one.

Dec 2nd, El Paso, TX

I just had a quick little talk with a soldier who just got back from iraq and is about to head over there again for a 4th time.
This dude looked like your all American late 30 yr old male. He came over and looked at our books and right away I thought “great whats this dude going to say”. He put a book on the iraq war down he had picked up and then I offered him a catalog which he took. He then said “ I just got back from iraq and head there again soon. Shit there is fucked and there is no reason for us to be there” the dude had also been in desert storm and his job in the forces is a medic. I was so stoked to talk to this guy and so interested in his story. I really thought by just looking at the dude that he was you “all American warrior” Boy was I wrong. He actually came out to see the INC and even last year bought his son one of INCs albums. Right on.
This dude made my night for some reason.
How many people are in involved in this war who completely disagree with it? I bet millions of people from iraq to here in north America. It’s a war the rich have brought onto all of us and thousands have lost their lives for no reason at all.

The last 2 days have been so much fun. We played Austin last night and now we are done with our el paso show. Both of these shows have been the best of the tour so far.

Yesterday morning we woke up quite early (9am) for a load in at the University of TX- Austin where we were playing a anti occupation of iraq/ Palestine rally. WOW!! The show was in the quad area of the university right in front of the ROTC building. YEAH! about 2 hours before things started the kids started gathering. We hung up our INC banner next to a huge Palestinian flag. The stage had a Iraqi and Palestinian flag on both sides. This event was super super amazing. It started with about 5 speakers talking about the war and the occupation of Palestine with the help of our dollars here at home. Then it was time for the Swedes to play and I get the feeling this is what people showed up for. Most people at the thing you could tell were the “converted” but it was still a good good thing. We played about 6 songs until their was a noise complaint. The best thing was while they were playing the whole time you had military personal walking by the whole time. It was nice being part of something as such because being on tour/ the road so much you don’t really have the opportunity to take part in events as such and in all honesty these days what I see there aren’t to many anti occupation of iraq/ Palestine rallies taking place. Yes there is in san fran and im sure DC but I don’t live there.
Last night we played emos in the small room which was a good choice. The place was packed and people were stoked to see the noise. INC has been switching their set up lately to try to see what works with the crowd for preparation for other shows. On the west coast they have been there probably 4 different times this year so they want to switch it up some. The night before last they started with armed love and I wasn’t feeling it at all. Well in Austin they did the same thing and I totally felt it. I guess it just depends on the crowd and the energy of the crowd. It was our last show with danko jones so I shook my head as hard as I could during their set. Its pretty crazy cause that band has a total MALE/ heavy rock vibe on stage but hanging out with them off stage its totally not like that. Every band has their act on stage which is the case with danko and then actually hanging with the dudes they were some of the most down to earth people. It’s a bummer they are gone but that’s just how this whole tour thing goes.

Tonight we played in el pason. In all honesty I don’t think I had ever been to a show here. Ive been here plenty of times but for the most part its been days off. I think bands usually take days off while driving from TX to AZ or AZ to TX. So I was very skeptical about how the show would be. Well we were definitely proved wrong. The place was sold out and kids were so so SO pumped. When the Swedes walked on stage the crowd erupted into this huge cheer and would continue for the rest of the night. There were a lot of kids from mexico at the show which ruled as well.
What I have noticed with this band and the shows/ reactions. When they play places/ countries where there has always been a very strong “peoples” struggle they don very very well. Not really a peoples struggle but places where the people are very active in the culture/ society. Places such as Canada, Spain, Italy, France, I wasn’t at these shows but they did play Indonesia/ China-twice!!!( dude how many bands play these places. NON!!) completely go ape shit for these dudes. So tonight was another example about that with all the kids from mexico where I would say there is a big peoples movement. Here in the US that attitude is very very lacking which sometimes I feel reflects itself in certain shows. These shows. Okay I had a shot about an hour ago and am now feeling I am kinda just rambling. The thing about these little entries of mine is I never look back on them and “edit” or whatever you want to call it. I just write and send em off.
Currently listening to “lonesome days” by the boss. YEAH. “its alright. its alright. its alright YEAH!”
Brilliant. There was something earlier that I was thinking about and wanted to write about but I have since forgotten those thoughts.

Dec 6th. Driving from LA to Anaheim

In the back lounge listening to the new death cab for cutie. Havent really listened to the whole album yet but the new single is seriously brilliantly beautiful.
So we are on the west coast now and have been for the last 3 days.
We played san diego a couple days ago which ruled. I met up with my friends Jake and Melinda who are both super nice people. Once dennis, inge and myself were all cleaned up they came to pick us up at the venue to take us to the legendary Pokeez where they have the best authentic vegi/ vegan Mexican food. There has not been 1 time since visiting san diego when I haven’t gone to pokeez. Its that good and I always get the same thing. When it comes to eating on the road once I find a place and a certain dish I usually stick with it. At home ill experiment with some different dishes but traveling I have my mind set on certain foods. Hung out at pokeez and visited for awhile until our food arrived. We headed to the venue after stuffing our stomachs with some greasy Mexican food.

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