Thursday, August 12, 2010

August 11, 2010
My keeping track (writing/ documenting) of my adventures hasn’t been that great in the last couple months which is a shame as this time period has been filled with so many fun, incredible times. The travels, the music, and the people that I have been surrounded by have made this year so far one of the best.
It’s too late now to write about everything now as it’s long over due but I’ll quickly summarize it all.
In the last 2-3 months I have traveled across North America a couple different times-East to West/ West to East- on tour with Metric, Strike Anywhere (across Canada), and the Bouncing Souls (Warped Tour). I managed to spend a week in Richmond, VA between one of these tours, which was nice seeing old friends, and cruising around the old stomping ground.
After this 9 week adventure I came home, to move into a new house with 2 nice ladies, and went straight to work here in Montreal helping set up festival shows on the Island downtown.
This past weekend I saw myself in Chicago with Metric steering their ship during Lollapalooza, which was fun, busy, and rewarding.
The other day I did find myself thinking about this summer so far, and everything that has happened, the music I have been apart of, the music I have seen, and it all blows my mind. So I figured I’d make a little list to document everything I have directly been apart of, or have been a spectator of...Here it goes.
Metric (tour, and Lollapalooza), Strike Anywhere (tour), the Bouncing Souls (Warped Tour), Alkaline Trio, the All American Rejects (yes! I am an official fan as this band rules as people), Slayer, Alice Cooper, Megadeth, Arcade Fire (absolutely an amazing show at Osheaga), Pavement, Sonic Youth, Snoop Dogg (your drummer is sick), Weezer (with Josh Freese on drums!!), an old Richmond pal Tim Barry (always moving), the Gaslight Anthem, Lady Gaga (at Lollapalooza-your show was a little lack luster due to sound which is unfortunate. You aren’t supposed to be able to have a full conversation with someone next to you at a live show), the Strokes, Green Day, Cut Copy, I heard Against Me! in the distance which ruled and was told later by my friend Andrew that it was the best show he ever played-damn I wish I was there, Public Enemy (in Montreal-harshed my mellow as they went on 50 mins late for no reason whatsoever, and hearing stories about a particular crew person-boo!)
My ears thus far have only been given a couple of days rest between all of this so I am thankful for them still be there, thankful for my friends who have afforded me these opportunities, and been there through them all, and thankful for my family who is always interested in these stories.
Music/sound has no borders and is universal. It will be there when you are at your lowest, and it will make your highest even higher. So much sadness, and horror is happening in our world these days but music is one thing that does, and is able to help us all through these day to day struggles.
With this I end with lyrics from the song “Gone” by the Bouncing Souls who have moved me for over half of my life.
It was a cloudy night, or so it looked to me,
I felt so lost,I couldn't say why.
I needed strength to change my mind
but those ghosts stick to me like glue,
hatin’ life, believing I was no good

It was a darkness all my own
a song played on the radio, but it went straight to my heart
I carried it with me until the darkness was gone.

It was a cloudy night, or so it looked to me,
I felt so lost, I couldn't say why
I built this cloud to live in,
It was a bunch of lies in my mind.
The world wants me to believe it
so I had to change my mind

It was a darkness all my own
a song played on the radio, it went straight to my heart
I carried it with me until the darkness was gone.

I built this cloud I can break it
The world can’t change how I feel
Because I know it’s a lie
My heart is real

May 21st, 2010
Currently flying to Richmond, Virginia from Chicago where the Metric tour ended last night. This last Metric run was only 5 days with 4 shows so it went by very quick, easy, with 2 very good shows (NYC/ Chicago) and 2 alright shows (Columbus/ Cleveland) but none the less it was a fun run and now I am off to my old stomping ground of RVA before my next adventure starts with the skids in Strike Anywhere.
This last month at home has really been some of the best times I have had thus far while living in Montreal. Don’t get me wrong as the last 3 years in the city has been a blast but definitely this last month has been filled with many good times, and great adcventures. I was able to spend some very quality time with friends and even meet some incredible new friends whom our now part of my story. Welcome to the Jungle!
I am still with-out a place of my own as it would be insane to be paying for a place when I am never home. A big enormous thanks goes out to Philippe, Matt and Kim for putting me up at their places and dealing with me in general. Haha. Truly ya’ll thanks again for the kindness.
Last night I was able to watch a majority of the Habs/ Flyers game #3 which was pretty much a “must win” game for the Habs and with-out fail they came through. It’s definitely hard not being home right now with the springtime, and the current playoff run the Canadiens are making. First time they have gone this far since 93 and the city of Montreal has officially gone bonkers which has been so fun to witness, and be apart of. It’s a feeling a can’t describe and it’s definitely the first time in my life that I have lived in a city as such where “hockey is everything”.
Yes I have lived in other cities with professional sports but quite honestly non of them, or the energy comes remotely close to what takes place in Montreal. Amazing! It’s not everyday you see cop cars driving around with flags of the local hockey team on their cars or these same cops dressed up in full riot gear carrying batons, and shields after the Habs win playoff series. Again I think it’s safe to say this doesn’t happen anywhere else in North America so good on yah Montreal for keeping it alive.
So since I am going to be in RVA these next couple of days so close to Philadelphia I jumped online last night and bought 2 tickets to Game 5 in Philadelphia against the Habs. Can’t wait! Although it won’t be anywhere close to anything like a playoff game in Montreal I think it will still be a hoot and the Habs will need as much energy as they can get in Philly. I plan on wearing my Habs shirt but have already been told by a handful of people to “be careful”. Come on!
I was thinking last night about my recent trip to India and going for a walk at sunrise with a group to the forest behind the Navdanya farm. This forest- like all forests- had it’s own thing going on, and the canopy of the tree’s were very high up due to the type of tree, and because the locals in the area chopping off as much as they could for fire wood. We’ll last week I read a 20 000 word article written by Arundhati Roy (author of The God of Small Things, and many non fictions books dealing with Indian politics, and world politics) where she went into the jungles of India to educate herself, and travel around with a Maoist insurgency rebel group fighting (armed struggle) the Government of India to keep their land.
There are many human, and non human beings living in this world which most of us don’t see or even know about as they aren’t a “consumer” based culture living the life that you, and I know all to well.

May 26th

-Lauren at Ipanema excited to see me, and seeing peoples reactions to seeing me. Her being emotional as it reminds her of Johnny Z’z spirit.
-Johnny Z- impact on an entire community in a city
words not being able to ever explain this anyone not effected. Just words with nothing behind them

Hockey fans-philly/ montreal
Hockey in montreal

July 4, 2010

Sitting here in St Louis, MO on a off day from the Warped Tour with the Bouncing Souls.
I have been on tour for the last 6.5 weeks with Metric, Strike Anywhere, and now the Souls on the Warped Tour. So much has happened in the last 6.5 weeks but I won’t try to capture it here as it’s something that would have had to been done in that moment. The travels have taken me across North America a few times now, with this last little bit finishing it completing the circle.
So the crazy circus summer camp known more as the Warped Tour is going full swing in it’s 2nd week. Warped Tour is such a crazy tour, and it’s a tour I don’t have many good things to say about, however I also do have a lot of fun while out on the tour.

July 17, 2010
It’s been 9 weeks since I left home for an adventure, which consisted of 3 different tours, and a week visit to Richmond, VA. Over the years I have grown quite frustrated with airports, and airlines however today I must say I am quite excited to be taking part in their operations because in about 1 hour I will officially be back “home”.
My trip started in mid-May when I left for a week tour with Metric taking us from New York across to Chicago. After this leg I hopped on a plane for Richmond, VA to visit with friends before my next leg of travels with my buds in Strike Anywhere.
The Strike Anywhere trip took us across the northern part of the US of EH, into western Canada, then back across Canada back to the east coast. This tour was something I was really looking forward to as I would get to spend some more quality time with some very close friends while traveling across the lands of the north, which is always a lot of fun.
This tour as expected turned out to be a lot of fun but it also did take a little toll on me. Being away from home for already sometime, and looking ahead too what seemed like no end in sight did have an effect on my vibes at times. It’s unfortunate but it is what it is. I did sign up for the entire 9 weeks of adventures and was going to honor those commitments. Now looking back on it, it wasn’t that bad but it is something I would not do again-signing up for so much that is. Ha ha. I say this now.
Anyways the Strike Anywhere tour ended in New York where I was then picked up by the superb human being- K8 is Gr8- to head back to Asbury Park, NJ to prepare for Warped Tour with The Bouncing Souls. Ha. With Strike Anywhere some of us would bring up a few different times “Whoa! You are going on the warped tour right after this tour! That’s insane”. At the moment I did agree with but it was with the Souls so it won’t be to bad.
Well I am very please to say that the 3 weeks of the warped tour with the Souls was a lot of fun. Did I just say that the warped tour was a lot of fun? Yes I did. Ha. The sole reason why this tour was what it was, was because of the Bouncing Souls and their family. Even the 54 hr drive with DJ, Dubs, Pete, and Matt from the right coast to the left coast was a total blast. Ha.
I have now done about 5 or 6 Warped Tours over the last 10 years or so, and has it ever changed. I mean it never was anything special but whatever kept it somewhat okay has since disappeared completely. There is a new era in this hard rock, horrible screaming music thing in which the youth these days are grabbing onto. Bright neon colors, high top nikes, and a sort of heavy music mixed with electronic beats are the flavors of the day.
So in a situation as such on the like-minded folks had to stick together and do their own thing, which we did. Everyday we would set up our own little camp with the Alkaline Trio, and All American Rejects to keep whatever sanity we had left holding on. Fun times.
On this tour I became a new fan of a band I never thought I would come remotely close to liking in a million years. That band is the All American Rejects who were some of the nicest fellows on the entire tour. I swear I never ever thought I would be into a band as such, but hanging out with them everyday, and hearing their music everyday has no made me an official fan, which stokes me out. There is nothing like good ol catchy pop music.

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