Monday, April14, 2008- the Rocky Mountains, Idaho
Just waking up here at Greg’s house. The most amazing thing ever is my little nook where I am sleeping which is overlooking the downstairs out through the main glass windows with a gigantic lake in the back ground and a huge mountain range behind that. NATURE!!!! I slept with ear plugs last night due to a movie being played below however I can assure you this is one of the quietest places ever.
So I do this writing for myself personally too collect and look back on but also for family/ friends to check out so they have somewhat of an idea of what I am up too. Most trips/ tours I take in everything pretty solo. Usually I am with tour buds etc etc but when tour is done we all go to our own places/ homes and get back to our normal lives. Sometimes it’s hard to come home and try to replay the adventures that were just experienced so the writing things down is the closest that I can get.
I just confirmed another tour on this tour which I am looking forward to.
It’s with an Austrailian band named Cut Copy and they have a nice electronic vibe too them. I am definitely all about the axes, skins and the thrash for sure but I have a soft spot for many many other types of tunes. This will be a change and I do actually really enjoy the tunes that I have heard from the CC. Plus my friend Heather needed someone to cover her so it’s helping her out and my friend and old tour mate Tito is going to be their tour manager. STOKED!!!
Just read an article in the Globe and Mail in regards to a major ice shelf in the arctic (Canada) has now split into 3 after discovery earlier this month by scientists on sno-mobile. “the map of Canada is changing”. Totally crazy.
So today has been a super chill relaxing day. Woke up, had some breakfast of raisin bran, soy milk and a couple red vines. Greg and K8 went into town to get groceries for our feast we will cook tonight while the others of us watched Cheech and Chong’s Up In Smoke. We planned on going to the Gold Fork Hot Springs so once the movie was finished we all hoped into the Castle and cruised back down the mountain through the back country onto a dirt road which about 30 mins later brought us to the Springs.
There was 4 good sized pool ranging from 109, 103, 97, and 92 degrees F surrounded by snow, trees, and gigantic rocks. The water from the Spring was coming from 5000 feet below ground and is actually about 150 degrees F when it’s coming out however there is a big trough that was built for the water to run through, and cool down before entering the pools.
I have been to other Hot Springs in the past and they all usually have the rotten egg smell from the sulphur and the other minerals coming through. Nothing major. Well Gold Fork didn’t have this scent because they are alkaline heated pools.
The fellow that was working there said the best thing for the body, and joints was to go from the 109 degree pool to the 103 pool back and forth every couple of minutes. I guess with all the minerals in this water and the heat this combination really helps break down lactic acid which I think is stored in joint.
Currently my skin has this very smooth feel too it and while swimming we all felt somewhat “slimy” which was a nice sensation because you knew it was from the minerals.
Thus far today has been an incredible day off/ chill today and im looking forward to our feast this evening and then having an incredible sleep.
Sunday. April 13, 2008- Middle of nowhere, middle of Idaho
Totally bummed. The last couple of days have been beyond amazing. With this I have also taken a lot of pics of the times however this evening my camera, and computer just didn’t seem to vibe with each other therefore the photos are gone.
Oh well. With toys as such problems as such are bound too happen.
So we are all just currently chilling out at Greg’s house in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of the rockies, in the middle of Idaho.
It’s completely out of this world actually. His house is located near a town named McCall, ID which seems too only have a population of about 3000 or so. Super small. We’ll Gregs house is about 20 mins away from McCall on a mountain side over looking Lake Payette with another mountain range behind this.
We came here today because Greg had set up a show at the local ski hill (Brundage) and then we have 2 days off in which we plan on staying here for most of it.
When I say “here” I mean in a house in the middle of the mountains. Totally amazing. Earlier Greg took Dubs, K8 and myself too his barn where we all grabbed bails of hay to bring outside to lay for the Elk this evening. Driving up the mountain about 5 mins down the road we passed a gang of about 10 elk eating in someone’s yard so they are bound to make their ways towards us.
The last couple days have been totally amazing.
We had a good show as well as good hang session in San Fran, CA. A friend of mine from Santa Cruz came out to the show as he always does due to his love for the Souls. I would too!. I saw my friend Heather who was in town before here return to her home in Gainesville. I had seen her a couple days prior at Bamboozle working for her dudes but we were both busy so seeing her at the show ruled. Anthony- Twan was also at the show which ruled!!. Twan tours with the Souls all the time except for this run. Dubs plays percussion on some songs which adds a little something too the show.
After the show we all went out to some local SF bar which was fun. I spent most of my night hanging with Twan and talking about adventures and what not.
The next morning the weather outside was an incredible Californian day with a nice warm temp and nice blue skies. I decided I would do my daily yoga routine outside in the courtyard, near the garden and pool. Amazing. The sun on my back and little birds cruising around the ground. The next thing in line was a ncie relaxing swim-again- in the pool before we checked out of the rooms. One last thing before leaving the SF area was too stop and get another great California burrito. Nothing compares!!
Before driving to Sacto we had planned a field trip at Muir Woods National Park.
This forest is one of the last forests of its kind due to a temperature that stays in the range of between 40 and 70 degrees. Due to it’s proximity to the Pacific Ocean the moisture in the area contributes too mass plant growth.
The redwoods are like no other tree’s I have seen. Living in Santa Cruz I was in the area of the Redwoods so am somewhat fairly familiar with them. Although this doesn’t matter because each time you are near 1 of these beast it’s mind blowing. The tree’s are so huge and there bark is so big that they are naturally fire resistant. However by logging such forests this opens them up to fires and due to the lack of tree’s the fire then over comes the other trees.
The trunks of the Redwoods are the biggest things ever and the air within the canopy of the forest was so smooth and calm.
We did our thing here for about an hour or so and then took the trucks back up the crazy super windy road to begin our journey too Sacramento.
In Sacramento we were playing Kevin Seconds (thee almighty 7 Seconds) coffee shop named True Love Coffee. The Bouncing Souls at a coffee shop.
The thing about this tour is other then Bamboozle all these shows have been in weird, small, peculiar places. A coffee shop is fitting and I know all the Souls and 7 Seconds folks have been friends for years and years.
Truelove was definitely a small coffee shop with a patio in the back where the show was taking place. Dead To Me weren’t playing and neither was A Static Radio New Jersey. Just the Souls, Kevin Seconds and some other fellow on a guitar. I would say there was about 80 people total at this show who were super stoked as was I. At a coffee shop for a Souls show. Kevin Seconds did his jamming which was cool. I didn’t talk much to the dude but he seems like the nicest dude ever and from what I have heard he is this plus more. Always nice to know and hear.
The Souls came on and played almost there whole set acoustic due to the show being outside, on the patio of a coffee shop in a neighborhood.
Super amazing hearing all the kids singing along at the same level as the band but hearing them during “Gone” ruled the most.
The last 2 songs were played loud and 1 ended up being a cover. When Bryan said over the mic “Kevin? Where’s Kevin” I knew what was happening. A 7 Seconds cover with Kevin singing. “Young Until I Die”. Bad ass. Another addition to an already special night.
After the show we had a 10 + hour drive to Portland,OR so we quickly packed all our gear up and hit the highway. We ended up only driving a couple hours a little north of Redding,CA.
Waking up in the morning was yet another amazing California day with another warm temperature with blue skies. We drove through the mountains passing Mt. Shasta on the way as well as Mt. Rainer I think in OR.
I was looking forward to Portland because Portland is always a good time and a super nice city. Also though they do have Voodoo Donuts which is open 24 hours, and serves amazing vegan donuts of many different varieties. The venue we played was exactly right next door to Voodoo which was funny. Berbati’s Pan (venue) and Voodoo are neighbors. After loading in I went straight into the shop and bought a dozen. I would say I ate only about a ½ of the box which is quite a bit. So addicting but also after 6 you feel a little weird but they were vegan so I’ll take em when I can.
The Portland show was a good one which I expected. The venue was weird and had this funky barricade in the middle of the room separating the ages. The show went off well, band played well, kids were super pumped, and everyone left happy.
The Souls do pretty alright most places but there are always certain citites where you know it’s going to be a good good time. Portland being one of many.
After our show we went out too some bar which you could smoke in. Totally surprising seeing how Portland too me has this very liberal/ chilled out/ conscious vibe. Smoking in bars still!!?? Crazy. Get with it Portland.
In the morning we went to a breakfast spot I have been too now 3 times. Vita CafĂ© is it’s name and they have amazing food for everyone. I settle on their “Country Comfort” which was biscuits/ gravy, tempeh, steamed veggies, sausage, and a nice fresh orange/ carrot juice. Yeeeehaaaaaw!!!....oh I did finish off with a chocolate/ strawberry piece of cake. The best thing about traveling is food. Straight up!!!
The next stop on the list was Seattle at the El Corazon which is a nice little venue in Seattle. Driving to Seattle was easy and a nice drive. It’s only about 2.5 hours and it’s a pretty drive. ON all our drives I am constantly always behind the castle.
I go where the castle goes. K8 was changing lanes but I could tell that she was about to make another move by her flicker of the blinker and the breaks. Just like I hypothesized she changed lanes rapidly with a carcass of a dead dear coming from underneath the castle. The thing was flipped up and thrown against us in #2 which was brutal. Again the poor thing had already passed on the side of the freeway but it somehow wasn’t clear of the road. So yeah it was a little brutal too see, and be part of.
In Seattle we played the El Corazon. I have been here now about 5-6 times (used to be called Graceland).Another city that loves the Souls is Seattle so this was going to be another good night. Last time we played here was about 1 ½ years ago and did 2 nights which was off the wall.
Also in Seattle my friend Nathan (is in Dead To Me but is someone I grew up with in Richmond) and I knew a bunch of friends from RVA living in Seattle coming to the show.
Another great thing about Seattle and the El Corazon is every time you play at this place (or from what I have seen) there are always bottles and bottles of odwalla juices in the cooler. I would say about 20 bottles of orange juice, smoothies, pomegranate juices.
The show in Seattle was fun and seeing my friends K8, Carry, and Chappy is always nice-old homies from RVA who have all been part of each others chapters.
This was the last day with the Dead To Me’s so we all had a little goodbye session outside the venue, got in our trucks and began our journey to Idaho.
The drive was about 500 miles or so from Seattle to here in McCall< Idaho where we are all holed up currently. McD and Dubs were kind enough too take the first 2 shifts of driving which was also god for me because my little bum was a little tired. I crashed out and they did their thing up front.
This morning I was woken up after a nice, long refreshing sleep so Dub’s could pull over and now get his rest he rightfully deserved. At this time we were on a 1 way road beside a crazy wild rushing river in the middle of the mountains. A huge wide load was on it’s way down so we were asked to stop and wait for the load too pass by. I took over and continued the drive up the mountain, through McCall and too the ski resort we were playing at today.
This part of the trip I have been looking forward to because of where we are and the scenery.
We arrived at this ski hill and began try to figure out what was going on. There was a sno mobile being used to transport 2 PA speakers up the hill to the lodge. Seeing that I knew this whole day was going to be like no other. At a ski hill, using sno mobiles too transport everything.
K8 had told me there wasn’t much for me too do so go have fun. The ski hill was giving us all free passes, rentals if we wanted which I did so I headed straight inside and got myself hooked up with boots, poles, and skies.
This is the 2nd time in the last 15 years that I have been on skies but I was pumped and knew it wouldn’t be a problem.
How cool! Most of my day was spent skiing the slopes in Idaho. Pete rented skies so we paired up and went to the top. We were about 6000 ft up and the weather was really really nice and warm. No layers, no ski pants, no gloves needed.
So off we went down the slopes of Brundage Mountain. I had no problem at all and it came back to me instantly as I was cutting back and forth down the hill. Over and over we did this until about 10 runs later we all called it quits to get ready for the next adventure that was in store. The souls on the patio of a ski lodge with a PA for the vocals and that was that. PUNK!!!!
Again another super cool thing taking place. I would say there was only about 80 people again all sitting on lawn chairs/ picnic tables in the snow waching the Souls do their thing. A couple kids drove up from Boise and there were definitely some locals who knew the band too.
During the set there we many snowball fights witnessed and egged on by the band and everyone. No one was “up front” or near the band at all. They were all sitting ways away so when this next thing happened it ruled. There were a bunch of dogs running around the mountain and after the Souls played one of their songs one of the dogs cruised into the middle of everyone and just laid a loaf. Funniest thing ever.
The show continued on with more snow ball fight, people drinking major amounts of beer and being ultra crazy. Mountain people I tell you are a certain bunch. We are all crazy in our own right but this group of folks was totally hay wire. I was into it. Again it’s not things you see all the time so take it all in.
After the ski hill adventures we made ourselves up another mountain too Greg’s house where we all are now mending our sunburns and all relaxing as hard as we can.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Sunday, April 13, 2008
The West Coast
Thursday, April 10, 2008- San Fran, CA
I have only been awake for a couple hours and thus far it’s been the most amazing day ever. We are staying at the Phoenix Hotel which I have stayed at numerous times in the past while here on tour. I think it’ the hotel where most bands stay while coming through this area thus giving it a nickname of the “rock hotel”.

The Phoenix Hotel
When I woke up I went out too the truck to grab my yoga and the weather was completely beyond. Clear blue skies, and had a nice warmth too it so I decided to do yoga right out in the court yard pool side. STOKED!!! In all honesty I think this is the first time I have ever done an actual yoga routine outside in the sun near a pool.
When we arrived here yesterday after driving up from San Luis Obispo where we were the day before there was about an hour or so too kill before heading to the venue (Great American Music Hall) too load in so I stuck my hand in the pool and found out it was more of a huge hot tub. The breeze outside was a little chilly as is usually the case here in San Fran however with the warmth of the pool It wasn’t an issus so Bryan, Dubs and I got on thee ol swim trunks and took a dip.
Seriously the pool was a heated pool however was definitely a lot warmer then your average pool so it made for an extremely relaxing swim.
So I just took another quick swim here this morning before we actually check out of our hotel. Today we are heading towards Sacramento but I think we are going to take a little detour. On our day sheet yesterday K8 mentioned something about a field trip so I asked her what this is going to entail. It turns out she is taking us across the Golden Gate bridge too the other side where we are going to have a field trip in a redwood forest/ national park which is one of the only forests of its kind. Should be fun fun fun funnnnnn!!
Yesterday in San Fran was the running of the Olympic Torch and this was the only place in North America where this was happening. Due to the current situations unfolding in China/ Tibet/ China’s involvement with Sudan and us being in San Fran there was naturally going to be a lot of outspokenness and demonstrations. K8 had in informed us the night before of the situation and mentioned that the traffic coming into the city may be pretty crazy due to the events. Upon arriving the sky was filled with helicopters, and planes doing circles around downtown. The traffic was definitely backed up but nothing too crazy for California so we made it quite easily too our hotel. Once we were checked in we had about an hour too kill so Dubs, Montaine, and myself wanted to try and walk towards the area where we thought the events were taking place. We just walked towards the eyes in the sky however the clser we seemed to get the farther away these flying machines were getting so we called off our search and headed back to the Phoenix.
***We now have Montaine on tour with us. She is from Portland and has toured with us before as FOH. She straight up rules and showed up the other day in San Luis Obispo with bright orange/ red hair (not in a cheesy way though-it looks good). Everyone was looking forward to her arrival and now she is here.

My friends Daniel, Kristy, and Mike
I have only been awake for a couple hours and thus far it’s been the most amazing day ever. We are staying at the Phoenix Hotel which I have stayed at numerous times in the past while here on tour. I think it’ the hotel where most bands stay while coming through this area thus giving it a nickname of the “rock hotel”.
The Phoenix Hotel
When I woke up I went out too the truck to grab my yoga and the weather was completely beyond. Clear blue skies, and had a nice warmth too it so I decided to do yoga right out in the court yard pool side. STOKED!!! In all honesty I think this is the first time I have ever done an actual yoga routine outside in the sun near a pool.
When we arrived here yesterday after driving up from San Luis Obispo where we were the day before there was about an hour or so too kill before heading to the venue (Great American Music Hall) too load in so I stuck my hand in the pool and found out it was more of a huge hot tub. The breeze outside was a little chilly as is usually the case here in San Fran however with the warmth of the pool It wasn’t an issus so Bryan, Dubs and I got on thee ol swim trunks and took a dip.
Seriously the pool was a heated pool however was definitely a lot warmer then your average pool so it made for an extremely relaxing swim.
So I just took another quick swim here this morning before we actually check out of our hotel. Today we are heading towards Sacramento but I think we are going to take a little detour. On our day sheet yesterday K8 mentioned something about a field trip so I asked her what this is going to entail. It turns out she is taking us across the Golden Gate bridge too the other side where we are going to have a field trip in a redwood forest/ national park which is one of the only forests of its kind. Should be fun fun fun funnnnnn!!
Yesterday in San Fran was the running of the Olympic Torch and this was the only place in North America where this was happening. Due to the current situations unfolding in China/ Tibet/ China’s involvement with Sudan and us being in San Fran there was naturally going to be a lot of outspokenness and demonstrations. K8 had in informed us the night before of the situation and mentioned that the traffic coming into the city may be pretty crazy due to the events. Upon arriving the sky was filled with helicopters, and planes doing circles around downtown. The traffic was definitely backed up but nothing too crazy for California so we made it quite easily too our hotel. Once we were checked in we had about an hour too kill so Dubs, Montaine, and myself wanted to try and walk towards the area where we thought the events were taking place. We just walked towards the eyes in the sky however the clser we seemed to get the farther away these flying machines were getting so we called off our search and headed back to the Phoenix.
***We now have Montaine on tour with us. She is from Portland and has toured with us before as FOH. She straight up rules and showed up the other day in San Luis Obispo with bright orange/ red hair (not in a cheesy way though-it looks good). Everyone was looking forward to her arrival and now she is here.
My friends Daniel, Kristy, and Mike
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Sunday April 6, 2008- Irvine, CA
So today is the first day I have had any sort of “free” time in about 5 days so I figured I would jot something’s down and go from there.
In the last 5 days I have seen myself sit in a box truck for 60 straight hours driving across the entire US of A, check out the sunrise in the Grand Canyon, break down in Kingman, AZ (not the first time), arrive way behind schedule in Los Angeles, and finally partaking in a huge show called Bamboozle yesterday in Irvine. Today we have a day off which will be spent going back to Bamboozle to check out another day of mostly crap bands except the Hot Water’s which I am super pumped on.
So this past Wednesday K8, Matt, DJ, Dubs and myself woke up early in the morning and hopped into the trucks to begin our journey across the country. The first section of drive took us through NJ, South West Pennsylvania, West Virginia,/ Virginia in which I was only about 100 miles from the ol RVA. This part of the drive we drove through the Appalachians and the Shenadoah National Park which is super beautiful and amazing. The Appalachians aren’t super huge mountains like you would see in BC/Alberta but they are still grand in their own right. A lot of mining goes on in these parts which is what PA, and West Virginia are known for.
We stopped in Harrisburg, VA so we could grab a bite to eat (Curry Tofu with Rice- definitely good considering we were in the middle of nowhere Virginia) and DJ could watch the Liverpool Football game.
Then back in the trucks to continue on through Tennesse and the Smokey Mountains in which at this time is when I pulled over. I figured when your eyes start going nuts as well as your head it’s a sign you’ve been driving too long and your time is done. Some 900 miles later. I crashed out and Dubs took over for the late evening/ early morning hours.
I woke up and we were continuing on thru Okalahoma towards the Panhandle of Texas in which we tried not to stop at all. Mission failed though. We couldn’t quite make it through Texas without diesel so we had to cave in and pull over in Amarillo, TX. We tried!!
Next it was onto New Mexico in which we drove through during sunset and the late evening hours.
The skies in these parts were beyond. 360 degrees of WIDE OPEN sky as far as the eye could see. When the sun went down and the stars came out was by far the treat of the day. Stars, stars, stars stars and more stars. Too think that there are many people who don’t get too see things as such. I am sure in most cities there are people who never ever leave their zones and too think there are probably cases of people who never leave their whole lives. Crazy. Cities and their lights (and many more things) completely changing our views on the natural world.
Anyhoo…I gave the wheel over to Dubs so I could grab another couple hours of sleep after another long day of driving.
When we pulled over we all decided that while driving through AZ we would take a slight detour and head to the Grand Canyon in the early morning hours. WOW!!! I had never been too the Grand Canyon ever so this was something that I was completely pumped on as was everyone else. Last year while on a flight I recall flying over the GC and the size of this Canyon from the air was BEEEEYOND! Now I was pumped about seeing it at the same level as myself. We drove to Flagstaff and parked #2 in some parking lot around 3 in the morning so we didn’t have to take both trucks on the trip to the Grand Canyon. I slept in the Castle for a couple hours on our drive too the GC and awoke from Kate telling us “Boys, we are at the Grand Canyon”. I put on my smelling shoes with my 3 day old soiled socks ( I had been in a truck for 48 + hours) and walked outside into the freezing cold. There was not a single person in sight and the sun was just starting to come up. Amazing. Here are the 5 of us in the middle of the Grand Canyon with not another person around.
I really can’t truly describe how amazing the Grand Canyon is/ or was. I was standing on the side of a cliff which over looked miles and miles of valleys, cliffs and canyons that extended as far as the eye could see with this bright brownish reddish rock…..hahaha….That pretty much describes it. Its crazy because the actually level of the ground- earth- not the canyon is completely level 360 degrees around you however then cut out is this Canyon which twists and turns through the Earth. Totally insane too think that thousands of years ago it was once a water way from Glaciers and the last Ice Age. Nature I tell ya nature.
We chilled here for awhile as the sun came up freezing our little behinds off and then got back into the Castle to go check out a couple different look out spots. Each spot we checked out had it’s own thing going on however was still part of the Canyon. After our sight seeing and our minds coming down from the amazingness of it all we hopped back into the castle and headed back towards Flagstaff for breakfast.
Kate knew of a vegi diner in town that we could get a nice little breakfast before our westward journey continued. The place was called Macy’s and was a nice little joint that had a kind of a chilled vibe too it as you would expect from Flagstaff. I will use the word…Hippy vibe. I had a nice glasss of fresh OJ and the Vegan Spelt Waffles topped with Blueberries, Strawberries and Bananas. A treat for sure seeing how the last good meal was a day and a half prior when I had the curry tofu. In between this I did have a Subway sandwich and even went as low as Taco Bell….Again there isn’t much too eat in the middle of nowhere.
After our breakfast I gave the wheel over too Dubs so I could continue on in my dreamland of sleep. I would say about an hour or so into the drive we pulled over for some fuel. I woke up too take a pee and went right back to bed while Dubs started driving again. Within about 2 mins I was already crashed back out when Dubs woke me up and said “Keebs. The truck is acting weird and won’t accelerate at all”. So I told him too pull over while I put on my shoes-sockless now….the socks became too crusty……I tried to drive the truck too see what was up and it was definitely acting REALLY funky. We were stuck on the side of the road with the castle gone way ahead of us. We popped the hood and still could’t see anything and there were no fluids leaking from underneath so I tried to start it again and it wasn’t doing anything. I kept trying to start it and finally after about 4 trys I finally got it running and put it in drive to try to get us somewhere. The truck would accelerate extremely slowly and would only top off at around 40 mph. We exited the first exit and as soon as we did the truck completely died loosing all power. The castle had turned around and met us at this exit. Both K8 and DJ looked over somethings and thought that the problem may lie with us not having a cap for the tank. You see the day before I lost the cap which was the 2nd one I lost on the trip. WOW!!! There is no excuse but honestly I never drive- at home (only on trips as such) so I am not used to things as such although it is common sense. So at first I was pretty bummed cause if that was the problem I would feel like complete crap and it would have put a huge dent in our travels. Turns out it wasn’t..Pheww. The castle drove too a mechanic shop that was thankfully off our exit in Kingman, AZ and had some mechanics drive over too our truck. At first they couldn’t tell what was going on with it either but definitely said it’s not the cap (or missing cap) that is the issue so we fired it back up and drove to the actual shop. At this time we did more investigating when someone smelt the actual tank and noticed that a big gas scent was coming out of it not diesel. Our trucks take diesel and not gas.
I was sleeping at the time of our last stop so I have no clue what went into it but as it turns out gas was what was injected into poor poor vehicle. Everyone was in shock and Dubs was completely out of his mind bummed which wasn’t nice too see but also understandable. The mechanic dudes didn’t speak English at all but you could tell form the laughing and what not that they were having a great time with this. So we ended up having to give our little #2 some major surgery and empty the whole tank which was just filled up at the exit a mile or so ago. That’s A LOT of petrol. 45 gallons to be exact. IThe dudes at the shop were scrambling for containers to put it all in. These dudes were bad asses and I hope they are getting paid a lot because each one of them were drenched from head too toe in gas and I mean drenched. After the tank was emptied, cleared out, a new fule filter installed, a new oil filter installed we filled the truck back up and there #2 was back in action 3 hours later.
We were now WAY behind schedule with all the flights coming arriving in LA 5 hours from then and us being 300 miles away.
Pedal too the medal with us doing about 85 mph the whole way to LA which wasn’t a fun thing because my truck was filled with gear but sometimes you have too do what you have too do.
We ended up making it too LA about 20 mins after the last flights came in so we piled everyone in the Castle and drove to Irvine to catch some sleep before Bamboozle the following day.
Monday April 7, 2008- Irvine, CA
So I just got back from day # 2 here at Bamboozle fest in Irvine. This whole thing was kind of a joke. It was pretty disorganized and I would personally say about 99.9% of the bands were poop. Yesterday I was pumped about seeing the Souls, Alkaline Trio, and Jimmy Eat World although I didn’t get too see much of any of them due to me working, my location and as for hearing them I had some radio tent beside me ALL DAY blaring horrible music. I don’t get it….You are at a show and some people feel the need to blare more music then there all ready is….BOOO!!!
Today I woke up to drive K8 and Matt to another hotel so they could pick up the Hot Water’s and head to the venue for day #2. I returned back to our hotel too meet up with K8’s brother Jon too head out with him to catch some vegan delights. We went to this place named Mother’s Kitchen somewhere near here in Irvine. It was a big natural foods grocery with a nice restaurant attached.
I had the tofu chilaquiles and too be honest the tofu was super super plain and the whole dish wasn’t that good. Live and learn live and learn. What made up for it though was my chocolate peanut butter soy milkshake…..YUM!!!
The one thing that was really what I was looking forward too with my day was seeing Hot Water Music which I did. It was super super amazing although I can’t wait too hopefully see them in a club one day again but for now I’ll settle with the festival setting. I would say that the crowd definitely was there for other bands but that’s again what made it even more special.
Well that’s really that. TOOOOOOUUUUUURRRR!!!

So today is the first day I have had any sort of “free” time in about 5 days so I figured I would jot something’s down and go from there.
In the last 5 days I have seen myself sit in a box truck for 60 straight hours driving across the entire US of A, check out the sunrise in the Grand Canyon, break down in Kingman, AZ (not the first time), arrive way behind schedule in Los Angeles, and finally partaking in a huge show called Bamboozle yesterday in Irvine. Today we have a day off which will be spent going back to Bamboozle to check out another day of mostly crap bands except the Hot Water’s which I am super pumped on.
So this past Wednesday K8, Matt, DJ, Dubs and myself woke up early in the morning and hopped into the trucks to begin our journey across the country. The first section of drive took us through NJ, South West Pennsylvania, West Virginia,/ Virginia in which I was only about 100 miles from the ol RVA. This part of the drive we drove through the Appalachians and the Shenadoah National Park which is super beautiful and amazing. The Appalachians aren’t super huge mountains like you would see in BC/Alberta but they are still grand in their own right. A lot of mining goes on in these parts which is what PA, and West Virginia are known for.
We stopped in Harrisburg, VA so we could grab a bite to eat (Curry Tofu with Rice- definitely good considering we were in the middle of nowhere Virginia) and DJ could watch the Liverpool Football game.
Then back in the trucks to continue on through Tennesse and the Smokey Mountains in which at this time is when I pulled over. I figured when your eyes start going nuts as well as your head it’s a sign you’ve been driving too long and your time is done. Some 900 miles later. I crashed out and Dubs took over for the late evening/ early morning hours.
I woke up and we were continuing on thru Okalahoma towards the Panhandle of Texas in which we tried not to stop at all. Mission failed though. We couldn’t quite make it through Texas without diesel so we had to cave in and pull over in Amarillo, TX. We tried!!
Next it was onto New Mexico in which we drove through during sunset and the late evening hours.
The skies in these parts were beyond. 360 degrees of WIDE OPEN sky as far as the eye could see. When the sun went down and the stars came out was by far the treat of the day. Stars, stars, stars stars and more stars. Too think that there are many people who don’t get too see things as such. I am sure in most cities there are people who never ever leave their zones and too think there are probably cases of people who never leave their whole lives. Crazy. Cities and their lights (and many more things) completely changing our views on the natural world.
Anyhoo…I gave the wheel over to Dubs so I could grab another couple hours of sleep after another long day of driving.
When we pulled over we all decided that while driving through AZ we would take a slight detour and head to the Grand Canyon in the early morning hours. WOW!!! I had never been too the Grand Canyon ever so this was something that I was completely pumped on as was everyone else. Last year while on a flight I recall flying over the GC and the size of this Canyon from the air was BEEEEYOND! Now I was pumped about seeing it at the same level as myself. We drove to Flagstaff and parked #2 in some parking lot around 3 in the morning so we didn’t have to take both trucks on the trip to the Grand Canyon. I slept in the Castle for a couple hours on our drive too the GC and awoke from Kate telling us “Boys, we are at the Grand Canyon”. I put on my smelling shoes with my 3 day old soiled socks ( I had been in a truck for 48 + hours) and walked outside into the freezing cold. There was not a single person in sight and the sun was just starting to come up. Amazing. Here are the 5 of us in the middle of the Grand Canyon with not another person around.
I really can’t truly describe how amazing the Grand Canyon is/ or was. I was standing on the side of a cliff which over looked miles and miles of valleys, cliffs and canyons that extended as far as the eye could see with this bright brownish reddish rock…..hahaha….That pretty much describes it. Its crazy because the actually level of the ground- earth- not the canyon is completely level 360 degrees around you however then cut out is this Canyon which twists and turns through the Earth. Totally insane too think that thousands of years ago it was once a water way from Glaciers and the last Ice Age. Nature I tell ya nature.
We chilled here for awhile as the sun came up freezing our little behinds off and then got back into the Castle to go check out a couple different look out spots. Each spot we checked out had it’s own thing going on however was still part of the Canyon. After our sight seeing and our minds coming down from the amazingness of it all we hopped back into the castle and headed back towards Flagstaff for breakfast.
Kate knew of a vegi diner in town that we could get a nice little breakfast before our westward journey continued. The place was called Macy’s and was a nice little joint that had a kind of a chilled vibe too it as you would expect from Flagstaff. I will use the word…Hippy vibe. I had a nice glasss of fresh OJ and the Vegan Spelt Waffles topped with Blueberries, Strawberries and Bananas. A treat for sure seeing how the last good meal was a day and a half prior when I had the curry tofu. In between this I did have a Subway sandwich and even went as low as Taco Bell….Again there isn’t much too eat in the middle of nowhere.
After our breakfast I gave the wheel over too Dubs so I could continue on in my dreamland of sleep. I would say about an hour or so into the drive we pulled over for some fuel. I woke up too take a pee and went right back to bed while Dubs started driving again. Within about 2 mins I was already crashed back out when Dubs woke me up and said “Keebs. The truck is acting weird and won’t accelerate at all”. So I told him too pull over while I put on my shoes-sockless now….the socks became too crusty……I tried to drive the truck too see what was up and it was definitely acting REALLY funky. We were stuck on the side of the road with the castle gone way ahead of us. We popped the hood and still could’t see anything and there were no fluids leaking from underneath so I tried to start it again and it wasn’t doing anything. I kept trying to start it and finally after about 4 trys I finally got it running and put it in drive to try to get us somewhere. The truck would accelerate extremely slowly and would only top off at around 40 mph. We exited the first exit and as soon as we did the truck completely died loosing all power. The castle had turned around and met us at this exit. Both K8 and DJ looked over somethings and thought that the problem may lie with us not having a cap for the tank. You see the day before I lost the cap which was the 2nd one I lost on the trip. WOW!!! There is no excuse but honestly I never drive- at home (only on trips as such) so I am not used to things as such although it is common sense. So at first I was pretty bummed cause if that was the problem I would feel like complete crap and it would have put a huge dent in our travels. Turns out it wasn’t..Pheww. The castle drove too a mechanic shop that was thankfully off our exit in Kingman, AZ and had some mechanics drive over too our truck. At first they couldn’t tell what was going on with it either but definitely said it’s not the cap (or missing cap) that is the issue so we fired it back up and drove to the actual shop. At this time we did more investigating when someone smelt the actual tank and noticed that a big gas scent was coming out of it not diesel. Our trucks take diesel and not gas.
I was sleeping at the time of our last stop so I have no clue what went into it but as it turns out gas was what was injected into poor poor vehicle. Everyone was in shock and Dubs was completely out of his mind bummed which wasn’t nice too see but also understandable. The mechanic dudes didn’t speak English at all but you could tell form the laughing and what not that they were having a great time with this. So we ended up having to give our little #2 some major surgery and empty the whole tank which was just filled up at the exit a mile or so ago. That’s A LOT of petrol. 45 gallons to be exact. IThe dudes at the shop were scrambling for containers to put it all in. These dudes were bad asses and I hope they are getting paid a lot because each one of them were drenched from head too toe in gas and I mean drenched. After the tank was emptied, cleared out, a new fule filter installed, a new oil filter installed we filled the truck back up and there #2 was back in action 3 hours later.
We were now WAY behind schedule with all the flights coming arriving in LA 5 hours from then and us being 300 miles away.
Pedal too the medal with us doing about 85 mph the whole way to LA which wasn’t a fun thing because my truck was filled with gear but sometimes you have too do what you have too do.
We ended up making it too LA about 20 mins after the last flights came in so we piled everyone in the Castle and drove to Irvine to catch some sleep before Bamboozle the following day.
Monday April 7, 2008- Irvine, CA
So I just got back from day # 2 here at Bamboozle fest in Irvine. This whole thing was kind of a joke. It was pretty disorganized and I would personally say about 99.9% of the bands were poop. Yesterday I was pumped about seeing the Souls, Alkaline Trio, and Jimmy Eat World although I didn’t get too see much of any of them due to me working, my location and as for hearing them I had some radio tent beside me ALL DAY blaring horrible music. I don’t get it….You are at a show and some people feel the need to blare more music then there all ready is….BOOO!!!
Today I woke up to drive K8 and Matt to another hotel so they could pick up the Hot Water’s and head to the venue for day #2. I returned back to our hotel too meet up with K8’s brother Jon too head out with him to catch some vegan delights. We went to this place named Mother’s Kitchen somewhere near here in Irvine. It was a big natural foods grocery with a nice restaurant attached.
I had the tofu chilaquiles and too be honest the tofu was super super plain and the whole dish wasn’t that good. Live and learn live and learn. What made up for it though was my chocolate peanut butter soy milkshake…..YUM!!!
The one thing that was really what I was looking forward too with my day was seeing Hot Water Music which I did. It was super super amazing although I can’t wait too hopefully see them in a club one day again but for now I’ll settle with the festival setting. I would say that the crowd definitely was there for other bands but that’s again what made it even more special.
Well that’s really that. TOOOOOOUUUUUURRRR!!!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Here we go here we go here we go
Tuesday April 1, 2008
Well it is almost bedtime here at Souls headquarters (Kate is Great’s house). It’s been a long day thus far but it’s finally finished up in a very good good way. Before I continue I will drop the names of all the fine people on this run.
Pete, Bryan, Greg, and McDermott
Souls buds:
Kate, DJ, Dubs, Matt, and myself
So I arrived in Asbury around 5:30 and came straight to Kate’s house to begin the evening of getting everything sorted and packed. Dubs and DJ were already in the basement with the gear packed and ready so once I arrived we got straight to work loading # 2 (our trucks are….The White Castle-our home, and #2 which carries all gear/ merch- Dubs and myself will be driving #2) in the rain non the less. Thankfully though while we were loading the rain was at it’s lightest downfall.
After this was done I headed into the Chunksaah Records space to take care of merch and listen to the Habs hockey game on the radio (internet).
The Habs won 3-0 which had them winning their division for the first time in 15 years….GO HABS GO!!!!
After the game I had a dinner of vegan perogies with Kate which ruled. This was the first time I have had perogies in seriously about 15 years. YUM!!!
In grade 7 I took home economics and made learnt to made perogies which I would make as a young teenager for my Dad and myself however once thee ol vegan diet took on I stopped.
Monday, Mar 31st
So today I woke up earlier then I usually do so I could get all of my errands done before I depart for Jersey tomorrow.
The day was spent shopping, and riding the subways all over this huge metropolis. I do like NYC for sure however now that I live in the Mont Royal I must say that NYC just is a little too much for me. Don’t get me wrong because it completely rules but it’s just a little much for yours truly. I like the size and the speed on home.
Anyhow I saw the funniest thing today in the subways. This dude was definitely in a fast paces walked/ rush and ran onto one of those moving walkway contraptions. I know the dude definitely thought it was going to help him out in his dash for whatever train he was about too hop on however the walkway was going the opposite direction and he couldn’t tell. So he walked onto the thing pretty fast (he didn’t fall though thankfully because he may not be as funny) and was a good couple meters on the thing so just committed and kept going. I seriously could not stop laughing (too myself of course) cause right when he stepped onto the thing he quickly looked around to see if people saw what he just did then totally tried to play it off by committing and walking along the whole thing which must have been a mission at his speed…..Classic!!!!
March 30, 2008- Brooklyn, NY
I am sitting here at my friend James house in Brooklyn this evening after a 9 hour bus (dog) ride from Montreal. I had planned on leaving Montreal this morning on the 9:15AM bus however due to another-late-night of working a show and hanging with friends for my last night in town my hours of sleep were very very few. So when the alarm went off I had only about 3 hours of sleep and knew there was a bus leaving a couple hours later so I just reset the sucker and off too sleep I went.
Back in the Empire I am. Crossing the border is always such a crock on both ends. I know the routine now due too crossing pretty often but it’s still always a joke to be apart of and watch go down. The whole bus was emptied and about 50 of us were in the customs building for a good 5-10 mins before any of these goofs started running us through. Seriously there was probably 10 agents just sitting there talking, staring at us and by the looks of things not really working at all. It just had a very sort of “power trip” feel too it. “Let’s just make them all wait for awhile because we can” What a joke this is?
Tomorrow I plan on running some errands in the city and eating as much food as I possibly can before I head to Jersey on Tuesday too begin our 36 (straight) hours of driving from NJ to Irvine, CA to begin another tour with thee almighty Bouncing Souls.
Fun Fun Fun!!!!
Well it is almost bedtime here at Souls headquarters (Kate is Great’s house). It’s been a long day thus far but it’s finally finished up in a very good good way. Before I continue I will drop the names of all the fine people on this run.
Pete, Bryan, Greg, and McDermott
Souls buds:
Kate, DJ, Dubs, Matt, and myself
So I arrived in Asbury around 5:30 and came straight to Kate’s house to begin the evening of getting everything sorted and packed. Dubs and DJ were already in the basement with the gear packed and ready so once I arrived we got straight to work loading # 2 (our trucks are….The White Castle-our home, and #2 which carries all gear/ merch- Dubs and myself will be driving #2) in the rain non the less. Thankfully though while we were loading the rain was at it’s lightest downfall.
After this was done I headed into the Chunksaah Records space to take care of merch and listen to the Habs hockey game on the radio (internet).
The Habs won 3-0 which had them winning their division for the first time in 15 years….GO HABS GO!!!!
After the game I had a dinner of vegan perogies with Kate which ruled. This was the first time I have had perogies in seriously about 15 years. YUM!!!
In grade 7 I took home economics and made learnt to made perogies which I would make as a young teenager for my Dad and myself however once thee ol vegan diet took on I stopped.
Monday, Mar 31st
So today I woke up earlier then I usually do so I could get all of my errands done before I depart for Jersey tomorrow.
The day was spent shopping, and riding the subways all over this huge metropolis. I do like NYC for sure however now that I live in the Mont Royal I must say that NYC just is a little too much for me. Don’t get me wrong because it completely rules but it’s just a little much for yours truly. I like the size and the speed on home.
Anyhow I saw the funniest thing today in the subways. This dude was definitely in a fast paces walked/ rush and ran onto one of those moving walkway contraptions. I know the dude definitely thought it was going to help him out in his dash for whatever train he was about too hop on however the walkway was going the opposite direction and he couldn’t tell. So he walked onto the thing pretty fast (he didn’t fall though thankfully because he may not be as funny) and was a good couple meters on the thing so just committed and kept going. I seriously could not stop laughing (too myself of course) cause right when he stepped onto the thing he quickly looked around to see if people saw what he just did then totally tried to play it off by committing and walking along the whole thing which must have been a mission at his speed…..Classic!!!!
March 30, 2008- Brooklyn, NY
I am sitting here at my friend James house in Brooklyn this evening after a 9 hour bus (dog) ride from Montreal. I had planned on leaving Montreal this morning on the 9:15AM bus however due to another-late-night of working a show and hanging with friends for my last night in town my hours of sleep were very very few. So when the alarm went off I had only about 3 hours of sleep and knew there was a bus leaving a couple hours later so I just reset the sucker and off too sleep I went.
Back in the Empire I am. Crossing the border is always such a crock on both ends. I know the routine now due too crossing pretty often but it’s still always a joke to be apart of and watch go down. The whole bus was emptied and about 50 of us were in the customs building for a good 5-10 mins before any of these goofs started running us through. Seriously there was probably 10 agents just sitting there talking, staring at us and by the looks of things not really working at all. It just had a very sort of “power trip” feel too it. “Let’s just make them all wait for awhile because we can” What a joke this is?
Tomorrow I plan on running some errands in the city and eating as much food as I possibly can before I head to Jersey on Tuesday too begin our 36 (straight) hours of driving from NJ to Irvine, CA to begin another tour with thee almighty Bouncing Souls.
Fun Fun Fun!!!!
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