Friday, February 29, 2008

A lil to the right, A lil to the left

So today/ tonight I worked a show for a band who is named after a fellow named Matt Costa.
Before this evening I had only heard one story about this group which was on this current tour they were on most of their gear got stolen in Winnipeg, MB. I don't know what the 100% story is but from what I have heard it went a lil something as such. The band left their gear somewhere after their show and were going to pick it up in the morning/ or load it up in the morning. They then found out the next morning that the gear that was in storage somehow disappeared.
I would say tens and thousands of dollars worth of gear.....Very very unfortunate but I also think at that point it's likely that with time you will find the culprit and your gear.
Then after this band got all their gear stolen they end up in a major accident in Iowa on their way East. I don;t really know much about this accident but from what I overheard some of the band saying that it was extremely close to "the other side"-death....
2 of the dudes actually had half their bodies thrown out the vehicle and the only thing that saved them was a 2 ft deep snow bank.


So this is who the show was this evening.....Matt Costa ad band who have just gone through hell......
I show up at the venue for load in and no one is too be found.
I wait around for about 40 mins when then I get a call from my boy Duncan who tells me the bus is stuck, the trailer is stuck and "get down here"
This bus was full on in a tight tight situation. It had turned down a street which was unaccessible. This bus was literally rubbing against the sides of cars while it tried to "inch" it's way down the street......."not happening"!!!!!

While this was going on Duncan had called Eddie who is one of the crew dudes and has a truck. Thankfully he was around to make a crazy crazy situation a lil mellower.
We were going to un-hitch the bus's trailer so the bus could try and fit down the road.
We un-hitched the trailer but the bus couldn't fit down the street. With the cars and the snow bank it was impossible. Ths bus was literally rubbing against the cars which is something you DO NOT WANT.
We un-hitched the trailer, backed the bus up onto the main street veryv ery carefully so we didn't damage the vehicles we had already touched. Once the bus was backed up and safe we then took care of the trailer by hooking it up to Eddie's truck and driving it too the venue.
The whole time we were doing this we had a whole street blocked and we had many vehicles blocked as well including 1 Mum who was trying to get her 2 kids from school....She was not happy.

Once she was reliefed a smile appeared on her face and that was also about the time when everything started working in our favor so smile appeared in all our faces.

Again it was just another day on the job however it was one of a kind....It's not everyday when bands in their buses get stuck.
I remember once while on tour with Flogging Molly our bus getting stuck in Barcelona, ES where myself and about 6 others had to get out and actually lift cars out of the way too make room for the bus while about 15 policia where loosing their minds.....Good good times.


1 comment:

atarigeek said...

those guys are good dudes. was chris with them? he is rad.