Wednesday, July 25, 2007


The University of Colorado Regents fired Ward Churchill yesterday(Tuesday July 24th/07) due to a 8-1 vote against him.
For those of you familiar/ or not familiar with Churchill he is by far the most radical, leftist leading voice when it comes to indigenous struggles here in the US/ Canada.

He has written books such as
-On the Justice of Roosting Chickens
-Little Matter of Genocide
-Pacifism as Pathology
-Struggle for the Land
-Fantasys of the Master Race
-Acts of Rebellion
-Kill the Indian, Save the Man
and a couple others plus some spoken word CD's

Churchills troubles started due to his book entitled "On the Justice of Roosting Chickens".In this book he compares some of the victims in the 9-11 to nazi war criminals. He also brings into questions the "innocence" of some of the lives lost.

Some of us look forward to getting out of high school, going to the institutions of the University to continue our education and educate ourselves on what we are really interested in. This case here is another case in point which proves that these institutions are just that. Institutions. Keeping in line with the bigger picture and keeping this system of brutality rolling on its chosen path.
If the institutions which are teaching our future do not have academic freedumb/ free speech then where does this leaad the future. More "support your troops" magnets on the back of our hyrbrids?

For further reading check out the link below. Its from Al Jazerra but theres many out there. Just google "ward churchill"

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